Why Has Your Garbage Disposal Stopped Working? 3 Reasons Why

Your garbage disposal is a small appliance in your home that helps you when you are clearing out dishes from a meal. The garbage disposal is not a necessary appliance in a home, but it can make things simpler for you and ensure that your food waste is removed from your dishes, without the need to scrape them into a trash bin, which can be a time saver for you. If your garbage disposal has stopped working, there's a chance that it's at the end of its lifetime, or it could be for some other reason.

3 Signs Your Dishwasher's Filter Has A Problem

The filter in your dishwasher plays an important role. It ensures that your dishwasher does its cleaning job and prevents damage to its system. Sometimes, this filter develops a problem that affects how your dishwasher works. What are the signs of filter problems?  1. Your Filter Looks Dirty Dishwasher filters protect the inner working parts of their machines. They ensure that larger particles of food can't get into places where they might cause clogs.